I received free cookies to review for this post. They were delicious and I totally recommend them to you!
So this week marks four years of being married to the love of my life. Granted I didn’t expect to be 7 1/2 months pregnant at our wedding, with our third child…but love is love and it was amazing! I only recently learned that I was totally missing out on one of the most amazing services for weddings (and parties in general) when I discovered Cookies by Design.
I live in a small town, about an hour from a city with any real amenities. So when it comes to party planning and event hosting, I am limited to things that I can order online or planning super far in advance to make a trip. Well Cookies by Design has you covered. They have locations all over the country to offer you affordable, personalized cookies…get this, delivered right to your door!!!! I know. It’s amazing. I decided that to celebrate our anniversary this year I would order a dozen and see if the hype was worth it.
It was. And then some.
So first off, shipping, was like lightning. Which is good when your dealing with food. Plus each cookie came individually wrapped inside a wrapped serving dish, inside a bubble wrap inside a box. Nothing was happening to those babies before I got to them. Plus, they were super fresh. I actually left them in the box for almost a week and when we did open them up and eat them, they were still soft and amazing. No seriously, amazing.
I went with the Blissful Wishes cookies, you know, love and weddings and all, but they have about a million other options. AND they can even custom make you some cookies for whatever event you have going on. Plus they offer lots of coupons and sales and free shipping deals and well, you should really just click over and check them out yourself. Seriously. Now.