So I have a confession to make. I bought the doilies I used in this project a couple of years ago. I saw them hanging on one of those eyeball height hooks at the grocery store so I bought a package. I thought I would use them for some project or another. I left them in my car thinking that I would use them to craft something amazing during a long car trip. Really soon. Well, they lived in the back of our minivan for a year. Then last fall I traded in my minivan for a prius (happy dance) and in the process of cleaning ALL my junk stuff out of the van I threw them in a giant Costco sized shopping bag. They lived there, in my garage, for 9 more months until last week I realized that I needed something else that was in that bag. So in my cleaning/purging fit I unpacked them onto my desk.
Phew, I feel better admitting that. I’m kind of a craft supply hoarder. It’s true. But I’m working on getting better I promise. So back to crafting. This may be one of the easiest projects I’ve ever done. Like ever. You only need a couple of things to make it work and the variations are endless! I celebrated my anniversary recently, which I think is a good enough reason to make all the fun wedding crafts I didn’t think of or have time for back when we got married.
I started off by printing out a bunch of 4×4 prints of my husband and I. I’m a sucker for black and white prints, but these would look amazing in color too. Then I used a piece of tape to attach them to the center of the doily. I then used these tiny clothespins to attach them to low hanging tree branches. It was amazing. I kind of just wanted to sit there in the forest and look at them all day. But don’t worry, I didn’t.
Instead I took a bunch of photos so I could share them with you, and look at them whenever I want!