Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. It may be because I have an unhealthy love of eggs, especially ooey, gooey eggs. The fact that I only get to eat breakfast two days a week, makes me incredibly sad, but it also makes me embrace those two mornings and try to make them extra delicious. Last weekend I decided to try something new. A new twist on an old classic. Pizza.
Now normally when you think of pizza for breakfast you think of cold slices in cardboard boxes, and as delicious as that can be, this is something entirely different. For starters, this breakfast pizza is made entirely of breakfast foods. And it takes little to no skill in the kitchen to create, and the hard work is…well non-existent. If you can boil water and crack open an egg, you can make this breakfast!
Breakfast Pizza
- 1 package dehydrated hashbrowns
- 2 eggs
- Your favorite vegetables- I used spinach, mushroom, onion, and tomato
- Cheese – I used feta, use what you like!
- garlic powder and black pepper for seasoning the potatoes
I started off by re-hydrating those hash browns. This involved boiling water, pouring on hash browns and letting them sit in a bowl. That my friends is way easier that grating potatoes. Waaaaay easier. While they are coming back to life like Frankenstein’s delicious monster, get your veggies ready. I wilted my spinach in a medium hot pan and sliced my tomatoes and onions. Once the hash browns were ready to go (about 10-15 minutes) I mixed my seasonings directly into the potatoes and then I heated up an oven proof (very important) pan with a little oil. I laid my hash browns out in a circle shape and pressed them into the pan to start to crisp up.
Now I’m not going to lie to you, we’re closer than that. I suck at perfectly flipping an entire pan of hash browns, so I cheat. Once one side is crispy and ready to go, I flip the pan upside down onto a cutting board and slide the potato circle back onto the pan. That way the edges don’t fall off and the middle doesn’t split open.
Moving on. Now that your hash browns second side down, it’s time to start building your pizza. I started by layering on the spinach, topped with the onion slices, mushrooms and tomato slices. Then I covered the whole thing in crumbled feta cheese. By these time the bottom side of my hash browns was getting close to done so I did the crazy part and cracked two eggs onto the top of all the vegetable goodness. Then into the oven under the broiler it went. Now I am going to warn you, this is not the time to go make coffee, nor is it the time to try and explain to your 4 year old why a tank top and shorts are not appropriate clothes when it is raining outside. You need to watch your breakfast pizza closely. Broilers are serious business and they go from a quick finishing touch to small kitchen fire in about .2342 seconds.
Once your eggs have a white filmy shell over top take that bad boy out! Admire your handiwork, but not for too long, and then serve it up while the eggs still run and potatoes are hot and crispy!